Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Weekend of Flashing part 4

Amazing what you see on an observation deck

A full moon so early in the day
Here is the final set from our weekend of flashing. 

We had to move on

We needed to show what they were missing out on
We were very successful getting our shots in some very public places.  We started at an observation deck but had to leave when another couple arrived. 

Too bad she was reading

D packed me a picnic lunch

We then moved onto a park with people reading and walking through. 

Communing with nature

Just relaxing

Looking for someone to show-off to

We finished up on a nature walk with an open gazebo. 

We hope everyone has enjoyed seeing our adventures as much as we enjoyed having them.  As a matter of fact we have had so much fun we have started taking even more pictures and once we select the best one we will be submitting them as well.  Please feel free to send any suggestions for further outdoor adventures.

1 comment:

  1. i love your and d's outdoors adeventures Please keep the awesome post coming Thank you for last night i had a great time
