Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Special Effects

Sometimes I feel the need to tinker with perfection and I decided to show some of D's pictures with some creative changes.

This is one of the pictures of D when she was in the tub.
 Here is D in green.

Here is what i frequently get to see as I look down while I am fucking D.  This is what photoshop calls a dry brush.

This is D looking down on my from the loft at a friend's house.

Same photo in neon.

Same photo with colored pencil.

I don't know about you but I think her beauty shines thru no matter what I do to her pictures.

1 comment:

  1. hi there d it hampshireguy from the uk just to let you know ty for the pics have giving me a few good wanks over them espec your body stocking ones wow what a body
